
Caffeinated News

A new study says that healthcare professionals are some of the people who rely the most on coffee. Nurses and physicians come in as numbers one and two on the list of professions who drink the most coffee. Could be all the shift work often necessary in the healthcare industry. The top 12?
  1. Nurses
  2. Physicians
  3. Hotel workers
  4. Designers/architects
  5. Financial/Insurance sales representatives
  6. Food preparers
  7. Engineers
  8. Teachers
  9. Marketing/Public relations professionals
  10. Scientists
  11. Machine operators
  12. Government workers

Either way you look at it I am definitely on that list. I'd like to argue drinking coffee helps me to be more productive.
But then there's this other study saying Germans are more productive in their 1400 hours a year than Americans are in our 2000 hours. They cite some anecdotal evidence of Americans clumped around their coffee machines and breakrooms while Germans are not only extra refreshed from all their extra vacation time but realize they need to be more productive because they have all that government mandated leave they have to take.
This came up in my German class, a comparison of the paltry amount of leave given here compared to the many many more days given to many European countries and our professor asked us which was better or worse. As in, if the supposed point in America is to allow free reigning capitalism so we can be more productive, are we succeeding? Obviously this study says different. I say I've only worked under on system so can't comment on the viability of other systems. However, their little jab at us chatting in breakrooms is a little off the mark. Let's keep in mind in Germany it's not uncommon to be drinking a few beers during the day, at least one with your lunch. Last I knew beer didn't increase productivity, right? Or maybe I'm doing something wrong.

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