Storytelling Part I
I'm thinking here mostly of hearing a story, not necessarily reading a story. I think storytelling is such a huge part of our culture we don't even realize in what ways people use stories to frame who they are or form relationships with other people. But what makes someone a good storyteller?
Enjoy the Time Off

Of course the advantage of it not being here means I can spend my time off glued to their podcasts, I lack only in popcorn.
Wear to Work Wednesdays #4

Well back at it Science Soldiers, and keep up the good work (or whatever it is you do).
Wear to Work Wednesdays #3

Chapter 1 Interactive Exercise
Comfortably Numb
Wear to Work Wednesdays #2

No, I work harder
"The bottom line is that faculty jobs aren't 9-5, 50 weeks/year kinds of jobs. I'd love to be able to get all of my responsibilities during the semester done in 40 hours ... The alternative is to have me on a clock -- and pay me overtime."
What, exactly, are these professional jobs that are 9-5, 40-hour weeks, with nothing taken home, that pay overtime?
Every professional I know -- doctors, lawyers, teachers, IT managers, you name it -- works far longer than 9 to 5, either takes work home or is on call, and is not paid overtime.
Incidentally, the local teacher's union is currently making the same complaint -- "you people don't understand: we may have a contractual workday of 6 hours, but we have to TAKE WORK HOME." To which I reply, WHO ON EARTH DOESN'T?
10 Luftballons
Here There Be Dragons
Different Era
Wear to Work Wednesdays
Pair this simple turtlneck:

Add some cute and affordable shoes:

Add in the necklace of your choice for some flavor and call it a day. Dare your male colleagues not to respect you in your crisp, Katherine Hepburn-style slacks. Don't give them an inch.
Hats Off
I Dream of Heat Exchangers
If I'm working on something intently I tend to dream about it. I don't suppose that's unusual. After watching a lot of Law & Order suddenly my dreams have that sound inbetween all the scenes (DUN DUN...don't lie, all you Law&Order addicts know exactly what I'm talking about). So when I'm working on something equally engrossing and technical I dream about that as well. Whether that's the software logic I was working on a few weeks ago for work, or my Heat Transfer design project that's been keeping me up nights for a while now.

Self Doubt
Nobody Panic, I'm in Charge
WoMAN with a Plan
Good Signs
What Was I Thinking
Fire Hose
I have a tendency to talk over people. In an annoying way. When they are trying to explain something to me I will just interrupt them and start talking right over them. Sometimes I feel like one of those hose attachments. Either I'm completely off, or on at full pressure. Either I'm sitting in a meeting unable to say anything or offer anything, or I'm talking over everyone. Either I'm unable to make small talk or I'm just interrupting someone trying to have an actual conversation with me. I can't seem to find the happy medium.
I'd like to think my car is fun. Fun to drive and fun also because of all of its "quirks". It's like a person, getting older and getting more and more little issues. Just that the pharmaceutical companies haven't found a way to capitalize on auto-aging (yet). How about a list for fun.

- On cold mornings the heater doesn't work, even after 20 minutes on the freeway. And I'm not talking that cold.
- On hot afternoons, or during periods of idling, the car tries to overheat.
- The passenger side window motor is going out.
- The passenger side window seal is falling off.
- It takes a while to start in the cold or when the tank is low.
- Sometimes the engine won't turn over at all and the key needs to be taken out completely then re-inserted and it will start.
- The car randomly locks itself, sometimes locking people inside.
Too bad there's no overcompensated industry benefitting from all these little ailments. Instead there's only me to appreciate them. As I get a little older, and get called "ma'am" more often, my car gets a little older too.
Start Counting
Thanks For Nothing
Thanks for the inspiration!
The Engineer's Apprentice
To get back to my point...I was thinking what we need is a Fantasia for Science. The same way that colorful little centaurs or dancing mushrooms or dinosaurs made classical music accessible to children for decades to come, we need a similarly splendid "digestible by the masses" scientific cornucopia of media. I don't know what that would be, just something to sink your teeth into.