
Coffee News

Consumer Reports finds most coffee pretty much sucks. YMMV.
Also, MedicineNet.com uses a poor choice of words when its headline says "coffee break boosts memory." What they really seem to be suggesting is:
A new study suggests that resting while awake aids in memory consolidation and improves memory recall, much like getting a good night's sleep has been shown to do.

But I guess the people who write these web articles got hung up on one quote:

"Taking a coffee break after class can actually help you retain that information you just learned," researcher Lila Davachi, PhD, assistant professor of psychology at the Center for Neural Science at New York University, says in a news release.

So one researcher said the word coffee and suddenly it's "Coffee's the new wonderdrug!" "Coffee's good for your brain!" The researchers studied a rest period after learning not caffeine or coffee consumption. However, the coffee industry thanks you for your patronage, especially after that damning article from Consumer Reports.

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